Introducing CORE, a boutique consultancy firm.

CORE is a boutique consultancy firm that understands the growing regulatory and operational challenges organizations face and is positioned to provide a one-stop-shop to do the heavy lifting for you. CORE prides itself on the delivery of high-quality personalized service and efficiency to its select client base. The Bahamas is an ideal jurisdiction for business development and CORE utilizes the strengths that the jurisdiction offers to benefit our clients’ diverse needs and requirements.

Our approach

We distinguish ourselves with seasoned, professionals with extensive expertise, a strong network of resources, and experience focusing on governance and operations. Our core values include a commitment to excellence, integrity, responsiveness and client loyalty.

With critical services being provided, our clients are able to focus on their CORE business while CORE ensures independent oversight of operational efficiencies, accounting and internal controls.

CORE packages a complete service solution. With an ability to address key aspects of the business, our services include:

Consultancy Services

  • Facilitation of entity Application process

  • Liaising with government agencies and obtaining necessary registration and approval

  • Immigration applications

  • Arrangement and facilitation of Project Management

  • Application to local Regulators (Securities Commission of The Bahamas)

  • Concierge services

Accounting Services

  • Accounting services for companies and individuals

  • Coordination and facilitation of payments

  • Oversight of audits

  • Payroll services

Corporate Governance

  • Training

  • Guidance on drafting of policies and procedures


  • Regulatory

  • Inland Revenue

  • Business license and renewal

Meet the team

Heather Bellot-Hazarian, CPA, CA

A forward-thinking value creator and accomplished entrepreneur, Ms. Hazarian has been at the forefront of business establishment, development, and growth in The Bahamas for over 20 years. Her vast knowledge and experience in international financial services have secured her industry-renowned recognition as an expert in facilitating organizations’ launches in The Bahamas via successfully navigating the country’s regulatory and legislative compliance. Heather has established herself as the go-to for those seeking strategic guidance in establishing a presence in The Bahamas.

Heather Hazarian has successfully served in numerous executive leadership roles, including Core Capital Partners Ltd. / QI Advisors (Bahamas) Ltd., which she founded in 2014 and served as CEO until 2022 before co-founding Core Advisors Ltd. in August of the same year. Previously with Extiber Ltd. as CEO from 2015 -2017 and MMG Bank & Trust Ltd./MMG Bahamas Ltd. (2008 - 2014), as well as Butterfield Fund Services Limited in the role of Managing Director from 2001 to 2007, she helped drive double-digit year-over-year growth and business expansion.

In addition to being a Certified Public Accountant, Heather is qualified and approved for multiple capacities for the Securities Commission of The Bahamas and the Central Bank of The Bahamas and offers expansive aptitude in investment products, operations management, vital processes and procedures, asset management and broker/dealer and fund administration, as well as sourcing/building and management of high-performing teams.

Ms. Hazarian graduated from the University of Charleston in the United States with a Bachelor of Science in Accounting. Upon graduation, she joined KPMG, where she rapidly progressed to Senior Auditor and praises her superior accounting and audit prowess to the opportunity given.

Fiona Daniels, CPA, CA

Fiona is licensed by the Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants with a Master of Accountancy Degree from University of South Florida. With 16 years of experience in Accounting, Fiona has worked in public accounting (KPMG), education (University of The Bahamas) and the private sector. Fiona has experience in various private sector industries, including healthcare, financial services and retail.

“CORE helped me find a boutique consultant that I connected with, whose services aligned with my needs, and who was flexible with their scheduling. CORE helped me check off all the boxes.”


Get started with CORE, today.